We're a trusted...

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Products + Advisors + Ventures

*Startups and Scaleups trust Parux to design, develop, scale and launch their digital product businesses.

Success Venn - Desired Product - Feasible Soltion - Viable Model
Are the features accessible, usable, valuable, findable?
Is the tech viable, reliable, flexible, and scalable?
Does the business model include a market/solution fit that will generate sustainable revenue?
Our Culture: "It takes a village"
...leverage our talented multidisciplined digital product team.

Where Ideas Evolve Into Successful Digital Ventures

We Engineer Success by Nurturing Vision, Unleashing Innovation, and Crafting Scalable Digital Ecosystems.

Idea Map - Roadmap - Build - Launch

Our Clients

We’re always excited to collaborate with clients from all walks of life and disciplines. What we care about is delivering results through our mission and vision.

Parux Clients

The Parux team became our trusted partners throughout our journey, guiding us through every phase, with expertise and dedication. The end product, SMARTSITTER, not only met our current needs, but also holds the promise of scalable solutions for our future endeavors. We couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome.

Morgan Clark

SmartSitter CEO & Founder

Morgan Clark

Success highlights for digital applications like yours

The heroes of our story are the clients whom we serve. Parux serves as a supporting role in all our success as our story cannot be told without highlighting their challenges and success.

We collaborate with Startups and Scaleups looking to innovate in this digital age with amazing ideas on unique ways software can scale and help many people. However, our clients don't necessarily have a team they can trust to design, develop, and execute the idea.

Founders, executives, and technologists demanding innovation within their organizations trust Parux to join them in their journey!

Clients retention with yearly engagements
Successful SaaS and marketplace launches
Years of combined leadership experience

Don't take it from us

Learn directly from our clients and why they strategically selected Parux for their challenges, and how to resolve them and ultimately execute their vision for a digital product that matters... A destination where products add value, create desirability, and build sustainability over time.

Agentahub Dashboard Desktop
Saas Application


Building a scalable and modern platform for Medicare agents in the U.S. in order to deliver better care while saving agents tons of time to reinvest into their business.

Read Case Study (PDF)

Parux takes a genuine interest in helping their clients succeed. I have experienced this first hand. Partnering with Parux has been a huge value to add to me both personally and professionally.


Dave Adams

AgentaHub Founder

SmartSitter Sitter Dashboard Desktop


Launching a scalable Babysitting Marketplace across three cities (St. Louis MO, Jacksonville FL and Atlanta GA) to help match the best sitters to families in need.

Read Case Study (PDF)

The end product, SMARTSITTER, not only met our current needs, but also holds the promise of scalable solutions for our future endeavors. We couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome.

Morgan Clark

Morgan Clark

SmartSitter CEO & Founder

SmartSitter Sitter Dashboard Desktop
SaaS Application

Aegis (SweetSpot)

SweetSpot works to improve diabetic patients care by connecting doctors and patients daily using data that actionable and accessible.

Read Case Study (PDF)

Working with Parux was an amazing experience. They were our partner from conceptions through building the base of or platform.

Stephen Von Rump

Stephen Von Rump

Aegis CEO

Inscope Project
SaaS Application


The InScope SaaS platform allows companies to quickly and easily plan capital projects, and then track progress between between scope, schedule, and budgets in one view.

Read Case Study (PDF)

What impressed us most about Parux was their partnership beyond technology. Parux went way beyond a development team and became an invaluable strategic product partner.

Kevin Corwin

Kevin Corwin, PE, PLS, PMP


Our Services

Digital Product Gurus

Are you a start-up with an exciting new idea, a product owner within a successful enterprise, or anywhere in between? Parux can help you circumnavigate the production journey with a needs-based approach.

Want to work with a lean and passionate team of digital-product focused experts? It doesn’t matter what product life cycle stage you are in, we are ready to start at the beginning, middle, or end. Each stage plays a critical role for measuring the success of your initiative. How can we help?

What stage are you in?


  • R&D
  • Validation
  • Estimation


  • Prototype
  • Design Cycles
  • Development Cycles


  • Maintenance
  • Sales & Marketing
  • New Feature Planning

The Parux Team saved our butts! The first technology company we hired botched our application. We didn’t know where to turn but fortunately we found Parux. They took the time to understand our grand vision but then developed a roadmap strategy with us that got us to market with a buildable foundation. What impressed us most about Parux was their partnership beyond technology. Parux went way beyond a development team and became an invaluable strategic product partner.

Kevin Corwin, PE, PLS, PMP


Kevin Corwin
Our Process

Results-driven team

If you think we’re lucky, think again! Crafting success is not by chance. We specialize in the crafting process for turning ideas into exceptional digital products.

We continually improve our process, and accomplish our best work as your strategic product partner.

We are transparent and have carefully selected and crafted a variety of methodologies that work in your favor to achieve results. Various disciplines and perspectives matter in order to execute your vision. A major strength is the balance we bring to digital product initiatives, as stated, we’re not just a software company.

Team Working on Data


We use proven methodologies across our disciplines to make sure projects are successful.

  • Design Thinking
  • MIT Design X
  • Safe
  • Agile
  • Mobile First
  • API First

Technology Solutions

Our team works to identify the right solution for our client's project. We are largely solution agnostic but here a sample of ones we specialize in.

  • Laravel
  • React
  • LAMP
  • .NET
  • SQL
  • PowerBI

We understand that our clients come from different and diverse backgrounds, and from various stages within product design.

Preparing for battle, getting ready to execute.

Parux combines academic, practical experience, research, and best practices to help you define product/solution and product/market fit.

The Art and Craft of Digital Production.

Learn more about our process and track record on managing and launching products. Our operations are based on various proven methodologies.

You’ve Launched, Now What?

Product life cycles don’t end when you have completed and launched your MVP. That’s just chapter 1, how well are you prepared to market, sell, and scale your offering?

Our Culture

People. Caring. Matters.

Our team is passionately driven by our simple mantra; "working on cool projects with cool people."

We’ve carefully crafted and considered our core values and what matters most in order to deliver high quality engagements and results.

Man Speaking to Team
Resources for All

Everything we’ve learned in our journey to help you with yours…

Team Coding

Unlocking Success Through People: The Anatomy of a Modern Digital Product Team

In the fast-paced realm of digital product development, success hinges not only on innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology but also on the strength and cohesion of the production team behind the scenes. At Parux.com, we understand that having the right team in place can mean the difference between launching a game-changing product and falling short of expectations.

Date Published
May 28th, 2024

Read More about Product Teams

Team Coding

Selecting an Offshore Team for Development – The Risks and Rewards

A major challenge for product teams is how to find quality development partners that align with the goals of the project as well as the budget. In the quest to control costs, the option of using offshore vendors is often considered. It’s a huge decision point, and one that needs to be carefully considered before jumping on that bandwagon. Make the wrong decision, and you can delay or even kill a product. For startups with a single product, that can spell disaster and potentially sink the company.

Date Published
May 20th, 2024

Read More about Offshore Teams

Happy Customer

From Vision to Validation: How to Navigate the Path to Product Market Fit

In the fast-paced world of digital product development, achieving product-market fit is a major difference between success and failure. Many startups and scaleups have inspiring ideas for digital products, but without proper validation and alignment with market needs, they risk launching products that struggle to gain traction.

Date Published
May 13th, 2024

Read More about Product Market Fit

What does success look like for your project?

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